OK, so I’ve shown you how to add page breaks, explorer labels and segment controls to your form. In this blog, I am going to introduce another new tool – Formatted Label.
The Formatted Label is basically standard text that can be added to a form for information purposes only. Unlike a header or a label, you can have up to 4000 characters on your label, and you can make bold, underline, make italic, add bullet points and centre the text as you like. You can also add hyperlinks to take you to different websites.
Again, I’ve made a simple form on Form Builder to show you how this works. I’ve added a Header Feld and my Formatted Label, and here’s how it works:

Click and drag the Formatted Label field to the form designer, then in the properties click ‘Choose File’, and the Formatted label editor will appear.

For this example, I have added part of a statutory H&S regulation document. This never needs to be amended by the mobile user and is just for information. You can copy and paste this text into the editor if you like;
1. STATEMENT OF GENERAL POLICY 1.1. The Company fully accepts the obligations placed upon it by the various Acts of Parliament covering health and safety. The Company requires its Chief Executive to ensure that the following policy is implemented and to report annually on its effectiveness.
2. MANAGEMENT ORGANISATION AND ARRANGEMENTS Introduction 2.1. This policy has been prepared and published under the requirements of Health & Safety at Work legislation. The purpose of the policy is to establish general standards for health and safety at work and to distribute responsibility for their achievement to all managers, supervisors, and other employees through the normal line management processes.
Give the label a name, I’ve chosen ‘Sample Text’ and Save.
See how the Formatted Label looks on a device by logging in to
Username – blog Password – blog
And opening the form ’10 – Making a form look great with formatted labels’.
Your label will look like this;

Watch the Workmobile features demo here.