WorkMobile For Retail
Find out how Benchmark Retail Services use WorkMobile to deliver a better quality of service to their clients.
Customer engagement strategies such as Mystery Shopping, store promotions, brand awareness, competitions and surveys all become that much simpler with the flexibility of WorkMobile forms.
Job information can be sent out to both employees and contractors almost instantaneously. The forms can be returned to your central office, geo-location and time-stamped, so that you know precisely where a person was when they returned the form and when.
Retail Management made simple
Better, quicker information means better decisions and, ultimately, better results. Improve your sales figures with enhanced background information by integrating social networks and customer data collection.
Improve Customer Satisfaction
Current paper based processes require significant amounts of manual data capture on the part of staff who then need to submit the forms to data entry colleagues. WorkMobile streamlines and automates some of these manual tasks and lets your people devote all their attention to satisfying customers and building the customer base.
Reduce Human Error
Paper based data capture is not only time consuming and arduous it is also open to significant human error. Using WorkMobile will drastically reduce error, the resultant administration and make things quicker and more efficient for both the sales and back office teams.
Ideal for Retail Audits
WorkMobile for Retail provides your operational or sales teams with the flexibility of handling stock lists and customer orders on the go using mobile forms to send data back to your head office. Other uses of retail-based forms include customer feedback forms, notes and actions forms.